Conversations About Facilitation

How do we blend face-to-face and online facilitation techniques to suit context and purpose?

Join me as I ‘riff’ with Rebecca Sutherns about how we get the best of both worlds.

We’re all learning together. I reckon if we approach this new working world with a little wonder and curiosity, we’ll be inspired, rather than overwhelmed.

Watch our short video riffs below with Rebecca, an inspiring Canadian facilitator.

What does facilitation look like after several months of the ‘new normal’?

In Riff #6, Rebecca Sutherns and I discuss keeping particpants safe and working with power dynamics in the room.

In Riff #5 - Part 2, Rebecca Sutherns and I talk about the fundamentals of good facilitation and remind ourselves that our job as facilitators is to serve the group.

In Riff #5, Rebecca Sutherns and I park the platforms and the tech to focus on what really matters - effective facilitation. There's so much gold in Riff #5 that we had to split it in two! Watch Part 1 below.

Q: When is a blank screen a useful screen?
A: In a fishbowl and a troika.

These are just two facilitated processes that Rebecca Sutherns and I agree work better online, than in the room in Riff #4.

Rebecca Sutherns and I kick off riff #3 talking about creativity, and move onto physical space, energy and location.

In riff #2, Rebecca Sutherns and I talk about some of the things we've noticed that are possible on Zoom that's not possible in the room.

In riff #1, Rebecca Sutherns and I touch on the grief that many of us feel for what we have had to leave behind with face-to-face facilitation, and compare facilitators to fusion chefs. Enjoy, share and I’d love to hear what you think.

Enjoy, share and I’d love to hear what you think.

If you'd like the best of both worlds for your next workshop, I can help. Book a 15-minute meeting with me to get the ball rolling.